Alcatel Hsdpa Usb Modem Driver For Windows Xp
Posted By admin On 18.08.19How to use DriverMax to install hspa Modem Alcatel HSPA 3G Modem driver The advantage of using DriverMax is that it will install the driver for you in just a few seconds and it will keep each driver up to date, not just this one.
- Alcatel Hsdpa Usb Modem Driver For Windows Xp 32 Bit Free Download
- Huawei E220 Hsdpa Usb Modem Driver
Alcatel Hsdpa Usb Modem Driver For Windows Xp 32 Bit Free Download
Download the latest 3G HSPA Modem driver for your computer's operating system. All downloads available on this website have been scanned by the latest anti-virus software and are guaranteed to be virus and malware-free.
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Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the Driver Update Utility for 3G HSPA Modem. It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically.
DriverGuide maintains an extensive archive of Windows drivers available for free download. We employ a team from around the world. They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day.
Huawei E220 Hsdpa Usb Modem Driver
Having trouble finding the right driver? Try the Automatic Driver Update Utility, or you can request a driver and we will find it for you.
Popular Driver Updates for 3G HSPA Modem
3G HSPA Modem Driver Update UtilitySupported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XPFile Version: Version 5.6.12 File Size: 4.3 MB File Name: DriverEasy_Setup.exeOverall Rating: |
RLDL56DPF / R6785-68, Rockwell DriverRockwellDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98, Win 95 File Size: 254.8 KB File Name: M1-PM3G_Win9x_2.1.0.149.zipOverall Rating: (132 ratings, 204 reviews) 32,208 Downloads Submitted Jan 3, 2002 by rarteaga (DG Member):'chipset is RDLD56DPF /R685-68ROCKWELL 97 /9830 B59683-5 win 95 and win 98It´s manufactred by CIS TECHNOLOGY INCUNDER MODEL SERIES M1-5614PM3, THE SITE OF THIS COMPANY IS' |
5614Jx3(G), 5614Jx3(G), 5614Ix3(G), 5614Ex3(G) DriverWisecomDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro File Size: 7.1 KB File Name: 5614Jx3GWin2k-WinXP.zipOverall Rating: (36 ratings, 52 reviews) 7,831 Downloads Submitted Sep 18, 2002 by Spring (DG Member):'This .inf file works with Win2k/WinXP for the following modems 5614Ex3(G) External Modem5614Ix3(G) Internal Modem5614Jx3(G) Internal Modem' |
M1-5614PM3 DriverCIS TechnologyDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win 98SE File Size: 254.8 KB File Name: M1-PM3G_Win9x_2.1.0.149.zipOverall Rating: (58 ratings, 63 reviews) 4,820 Downloads Submitted Dec 4, 2003 by Randy Hamilton (DG Member):'CIS modem supplied with Compap Presario 5220. Obtained from CIS website, which says for Win95 & Win98. CIS calles this the M1-5614MP3(G), but (G) not on the card itself. Win98SE works ok. Expanded files (Winzip) to floppy to load in Win98SE.Chip 1 (big)11229-13@Rockwell 979902 B71011.5MexicoChip 2RLDL56DPFR6785-68@Rockwell ..' |
ATS-127A DriverAtechDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win 98, Win 95 File Size: 1.7 MB File Name: 5614pm3g.zipOverall Rating: (45 ratings, 112 reviews) 8,533 Downloads Submitted Jan 12, 2000 by Lynn Caprarelli (DG Member):'This modem usually comes in Compaq computers. You will notice the model number of WS/M1-5614PM3 in the upper left corner of the modem. I got this driver from CSI Technology, Inc. who makes this modem.' | DriverRockwellDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win 98SE File Size: 1.7 MB File Name: 5614pm3g.zipOverall Rating: (8 ratings, 12 reviews) 2,647 Downloads Submitted Feb 17, 2003 by kentozer (DG Member):'this is the drivers for win95 and win98. go to settings /control panel/system/device manager/clik on modem clik on/ Rockwell HCF 56K DATA FAX PCI MODEM/clik on properties/clik on driver/clik on update driver/ but first you need to unzip this download to a folder and when you are ask to specify a location ..' |
NEC e606 3G Video Phone DriverNECDevice Type: Other DevicesSupported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro File Version: Version 1.08.00 Release Date: 2002-07-12 File Size: 3.9 MB File Name: NEC_e606_XP_2K.zipOverall Rating: (34 ratings, 38 reviews) 4,054 Downloads Submitted Aug 31, 2003 by Barrie Roberts (DG Member):'This driver is for the NEC e606 3G video phone. It has the Windows 2000 / XP device driver and software application for file transfer.' |
3314JS3G DriverMRIDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win 95 File Size: 202.0 KB File Name: WS-3314js3gW95NT.zipOverall Rating: (8 ratings, 9 reviews) 1,560 Downloads Submitted Dec 4, 2003 by Sidney Cole (DG Member):'This covers Win95 (all versions) and higher including Win NT. MRi - Technical said Please find attached driver for your modem. Please note that these are the only drivers we have.' |
EM770 HSDPA 3G Modem DriverHuaweiDevice Type: Other DevicesSupported OS: Win Vista, Win Vista x64, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win XP Pro x64, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server File Version: Version File Size: 1.7 MB File Name: Huawei_EM770_2.0.3.817.zipOverall Rating: (14 ratings, 14 reviews) 1,497 Downloads Aug 29, 2019 Free Mp3 Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Titoli From Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Ennio Morricone Download, Lyric Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Titoli From Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Ennio Morricone Chord Guitar, Free Ringtone Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Titoli From Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Ennio Morricone Download, and Get Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Titoli From Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Ennio Morricone Hiqh Qualtiy audio. Apr 10, 2013 Mix - Per un pugno di dollari - Colonna sonora YouTube Per un pugno di dollari, Ennio Morricone - Milano, Teatro Dal Verme - Ars Cantus LIVE - Duration: 4:47. Ars Cantus - Coro e Orchestra. Apr 08, 2009 La Colonna Sonora De Per Un Pugno Di Dollari Diretta Da Ennio Morricone Film Diretto Da Sergio Leone Con Clint Eastwood. Colonna sonora per un pugno di dollari free download. Per un pugno di dollari from 'Per un pugno di dollari' 10. Quasi morto from 'Per un pugno di dollari' 11. Square Dance from 'Per un pugno di dollari' 12. L'inseguimento from 'Per un pugno di dollari' 13. La reazione from 'Per un pugno di dollari' 14. Senza pieta' from 'Per un pugno di dollari' 15. Titoli from 'Per un pugno di dollari'. utilizza cookie, anche di terze parti, per proporti pubblicita' e servizi in linea con le tue preferenze. Chiudendo questo banner, scorrendo questa pagina o cliccando qualunque suo elemento accetti l'impiego di cookie in accordo con la nostra cookie policy. Submitted Apr 30, 2009 by Burak Ural (DG Member):'It works with CREA brand notebook that has HUAWEI EM770 Integrated 3G HSDPA modem. Received from distributor CREA.' |
Huawei Mobile Connect 3G modem DriverHuaweiDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win Vista, Win Vista x64, Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98, Win 95 File Version: Version File Size: 2.7 MB File Name: Huawei_XP_driver_2.83.zipOverall Rating: (4 ratings, 4 reviews) 1,703 Downloads Submitted Jul 31, 2011 by Jerry K (DG Member):'This is the Windows XP driver for the Huawei Mobile Connect 3G modem used in your Advent 4213 Notebook - Date: 05/27/2008 - Version: - Hardware ID: - USBVID_12d1&PID_1001&MI_00 - USBVID_12d1&PID_1003&MI_00 - USBVID_12d1&PID_1004&MI_00 - USBVID_12d1&PID_1402&MI_02 - USBVID_12d1&PID_1406&MI_00 ..' |
5614JX3(g) DriverWisecomDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win 98, Win 95 File Size: 23.5 KB File Name: ws5614JX3g.zipOverall Rating: (22 ratings, 47 reviews) 5,226 Downloads Submitted Jan 9, 2000 by Ron Sterk (DG Member):'Installed on a Wisecom 56 Data/fax/voice modem with Rockwell chip RCDVL56ACFW/SP, R6771-22, Rockwell-97 without any problems' |