Node Js Php Serialize Json
Posted By admin On 13.09.19Javascript tool to unserialize php serialized data, or to serialize data the way php does. This was originally used in manipulating php session stored in redis server.
However, eval is not recommended since it can pose a security risk. JSON.parse is not only safer, but more efficient. There may be situations where you are sure of your data and would not need to use JSON.parse as two examples demonstrate. However, use of JSON.parse is advised if the data is coming from an untrusted source.
This also supports Laravel extended php session serialization (can be used to serialize/unserialize Laravel session)Installation
Install from npm:
Node Js Parse Json Array
This project was originally used in manipulating sessions between Nodejs and Laravel 4. So certain code complexities were added to implement all Laravel 4 session serialization feature.
Breif introduction of the serialization format
*normal php session will work the same.
API References
####new Class(name:string);
Node Js Read Json
Node Js Php Serialize Json Files